Saturday 19 October 2013

Transformers Masterpiece MP-17 Prowl review

New Transformers Masterpiece MP-17 Prowl. #G1 #Transformers #Masterpiece

Check out MP-17 Prowl! This recent release in the Transformers Masterpiece line from Takara Tomy is absolutely stunning. They managed to capture the essence of him from the animation and crafted an amazing replica of him in toy form. Like the previous released Autobots he is scaled to fit inside Opitimus Prime’s trailer. This was my first Masterpiece purchase after holding back for the past few years and within two days of receiving him I suddenly had four more! So be prepared to make shelf space if you are a Transformers fan as this is a must have. The alt mode is based on the Nissan Fairlady 280Z-T to really drive home the 80s nostalgic. After a few minutes of transforming, which is straight forward in this model, you really start to get that little kid giddy feeling as you see him take form. Equipped with his two shoulder mounted cannons and his hand held blaster he is ready to take out some Decepticon no gooders!

My only disappointment with the toy, and this goes for all of the Masterpiece line, is I feel it should be painted/crafted to a higher quality to match the Masterpiece name. However, the overall design makes up for this let down. Overall this is a must have for any Transformer fan and I foresee the upcoming Masterpiece releases joining him on my shelf.