What is a #yugioh Patamerun Field and why are people paying US$30-US$50 for one? Check details below...
So even though it's been a while since Jump Festa, I've still seen a couple of people wondering what the Patamerun Field (パタメルンフィールド) was that was handed out last year as prizes for the Yugioh duel corner at Jump Festa 2014.
The Bujin field. Notice that there are circles around the inner corners where there is no plastic to make it easier to fold. |
Here's the little details. Duelists could queue up and partake in duels (as many times as you want). After each match, you get a stamp to record if you have won or lost. Once you have won 3 games (in any order), you are given a random Patamerun Field. Most people just queued up for the booster packs so the field mat was just a little extra something for waiting in the queue for 15 minutes or so. I saw enough people take about one or two turns before declaring defeat to queue up again. You also get them from doing the beginners corner where someone will show you how to play with half decks, as well as doing the attraction corner of mini games (only for kids, families or ladies).
The fields are double-sided and there are 3 different variations. The most popular and talked about is the Madolche/Bujin one, but there is also one featuring Numbers/Chaos Numbers as well as the anime/manga protagonists/antagonists and their signature monster.
So what
is this thing exactly? It is a set of 14 laminated cards of the themes mentioned above, joined by what I suppose is the plastic that is part of the laminate. And by card, I'm talking about the thin, a-bit-sturdier-than-paper type. In its entirety, it is about the size of the Gold Series 4 mats but because the plastic bits are pliable, you can fold the whole thing up into the size of one of the cards. You can use it like a play mat but the laminated surface doesn't hold a candle to an actual rubber play mat.
The Madolche field showing the bendy/folding action along the interconnecting laminated parts. |
This is how the cards are connected to each other. |
And that's all there is to it! My personal favorite is actually the anime/manga character mat since it has Yugi, Joey and Kaiba on it with Black Magician, Blue Eyes and Red Eyes.
The new Bujin coming out, Bujin Hirume, makes an appearance. |