Masterpiece MP-13 Soundwave review. #G1 #Transformers #Masterpiece #Soundwave
The war on
Cybertron had taken its toll on the mighty Soundwave at the start of the year
when he was ripped from the shelves in a fierce battle to own this fantastic
Masterpiece edition remake. Thankfully he was able to rebuild and was
rereleased in September when I managed to get my hands on him. I was pleasantly
surprised when I still saw him in a few stores so I thought I would give you a
quick review in case anyone is hunting him down.
Soundwave stands
at about 23cm and comes with his trusty companion Lazerbeak! Like the
others in the MP range he has fantastic articulation and has a very solid build
quality. The only down side is that there are some paint markings and defects
in parts. However I can look past this because he looks amazing on my shelf
with Lazerbeak.
If anyone
is looking to pick this guy up or any of the previous or upcoming Transformers
Masterpiece releases please let me know either via our Facebook page or message
on Ebay and I will try my best to get you the best price.